Jonah Blaine

Visual Storyteller | Filmmaker

Production Work

Post-Production Work


  • Accrued hundreds of millions of views

  • Shown on national streaming services, like Discovery+ and Angel Studios

  • Won local and national awards, including an Emmy and several Webby’s

  • Premiered at SXSW and dozens of other festivals

  • Driven millions of dollars in sales revenue

The Content I’ve Worked On Has:

Who I’ve Worked With


Brands I’ve Helped Promote

Filmmaking is my purpose.

I wanted to direct film at just 9 years old- but I was also too scared to admit it. I was lucky enough to ACCIDENTALLY get my first professional gig co-directing with Harmon Brothers legend Daniel Harmon at age 22.

Since that first gig in 2017 I have slowly learned how to tell a compelling story and keep an audience engaged. 9+ years and 22K+ hours of professional experience later - I want to use that knowledge to help direct and produce your film for you.

I want to use my skill to help you tell your story.

Where am I working?

Primary location is Salt Lake City, Utah.

I also frequently travel both nationally and internationally for gigs.